Jhilkey And The Company

Jhilkey And The Company

Title Type Views
Nilo Suitcasechords 7,683
Panchi Haruchords 12,977
Kanchi Timro Naramro Banichords 2,517
Kathmandu Saharchords 2,370
Malai Kehi Aaudainachords 1,782

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Title Type Views
Nilo Suitcaselyrics 4,703
Panchi Harulyrics 4,963
Kanchi Timro Naramro Banilyrics 1,500
Kathmandu Saharlyrics 1,661
Jhilkey Firelyrics 3,613
Malai Kehi Aaudainalyrics 1,312

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Nilo Suitcase
Panchi Haru
Malai Kehi Aaudaina

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JATC is a punk rock band from the streets of Kathmandu, Nepal. The band has been active since 2019. Our music has been marked as a stylistic blend of punk, ska and alternative rock. We aim to reach to the music lovers all around the world to create an inclusive space of togetherness and embolden the spirit of good times through our high intensity music.

Our band members include:

Bishal Hang Rai

Dipson Narsingh KC 

Steve Dewan

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