

Title Type Views
Jomsomai Bazaar machords 30,815
Yo Jindaganichords 13,665
Taal Ko Panichords 102,608
Aaganai Bharichords 34,308
Abab Abhabai Vayochords 5,215
Bheda Ko Un Jastochords 10,227
Chari Maryochords 29,859
Chekyo Chekyo Deurali Dadachords 17,231
Jiwan Ho Gham Chayachords 126,223
Reshamchords 79,372
Sirfula Siraima (शिरफूल शिरैमा)chords 5,309

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Title Type Views
Taal Ko Panilyrics 29,482
Aaganai Bharilyrics 2,187
Abab Abhabai Vayolyrics 996
Bheda Ko Un Jastolyrics 2,849
Chari Maryolyrics 816
Chekyo Chekyo Deurali Dadalyrics 2,006
Reshamlyrics 3,508
Sa Karnalilyrics 11,693
Lampate Suratilyrics 9,621
Sirfula Siraima (शिरफूल शिरैमा)lyrics 3,610
Rato ra chandra suryalyrics 2,834

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